Our Class

Here is a quick look at the Model Classroom.

This year, our classroom is composed of:

  • 29 students
  • 20 English Language Learners and 9 General Education Students
  • 4 different nationalities
  • 80% Free or Reduced Lunch
An important element of the Model Classroom is co-teaching. Here are some important considerations we made:
  • One experienced teacher and one second-year teacher (it was important to us that mentoring was part of this experience)
  • One ELL certified teacher and on General Ed teacher
We also provide professional development for our school:
  • Last year we provided over sixty hours of in-house professional development
  • During those sixty hours of professional development, over 65% of Glencliff's student body has participated in Model Classroom learning opportunities.
Additional Opportunities:
  • A wikispace has been created for Glencliff Elementary staff members. on this wikispace, teachers share ideas and resources and seek out opportunities for collaboration.
  • January marked the beginning of Glencliff's online school newspaper, The Writing Eagles. A staff of twenty-two third and fourth graders work together with one of our model classroom instructors to hone their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, all while providing outreach to families and stakeholders in our community.
To learn more, check out our resources and strategies and also our achievements!

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